Our teachers are exceptional educators and positive role-models. They engage and inspire students to love learning and to strive for personal excellence.
All staff can be emailed using firstname.lastname@springbank.school.nz
Michelle Chapman
Deputy Principal Middle & Senior School
•Form Teacher Year 13
•Careers Counsellor
•Year 7 Future Studies
•Year 9 Future Studies
•Year 10 Business Studies
•IGCSE Business Studies
•AS Business Studies
•Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)
Ryan Barker
•Form Teacher Year 10
•Years 7 to 10 PE
•Year 10 Outdoor Adventure
•Sports Coordinator
Mark Dryburgh
•Form Teacher Year 9
•Year 9 Mathematics
•Year 10 Science
•IGCSE Science
•AS Physics
•A2 Physics
Charne Pretorius
•Form Teacher Year 7
•Year 7 and 8 Science
•Year 7 Global Perspectives
•Year 8 Future Studies
•AS Marine Science
Andrea Druery
•Form Teacher Year 12
•Year 10 English
•IGCSE English
•AS English
•Drama Club
•AS Drama
Mark Epley
•Form Teacher Year 11
•Year 8 Mathematics
•Year 10 Geography
•IGCSE Geography
•AS Global Perspectives
•Year 11 Outdoor Adventure
Samantha Joseph
•Form Teacher Year 8
•Year 9 Science
•AS Biology
•A2 Biology
•AS Chemistry
•A2 Chemistry
•Junior School Release
Corine Wils
•Year 7 Mathematics
•IGCSE Core Mathematics
•Year 7 to 9 Japanese
•Japanese Club
•Year 9 and 10 ICT