We initially chose Springbank School for our children as we felt the Cambridge International curriculum was the right educational system for us. We soon realised that the strong moral values, behaviour expectations, and sense of family at Springbank were equally as important.
From their beginnings at the preschool through to the school years, our children have flourished and have had instilled in them a good work ethic with the idea that success is to be strived for and celebrated. One of our children explained it as, “It’s like the whole school is a team and one person’s achievement is the whole team’s success.”
One of the things we really appreciate about Springbank is that strong foundations are built at an early age. Whether it is daily exercise, completing homework, or learning the enviable skill of public speaking, these disciplines are well established in our children.
We feel the teachers are always approachable, to parents and students alike. They are genuinely interested in the children and actively participate in all aspects of school life. The staff have always treated our children with empathy and respect, which has reinforced our personal values. Springbank School works hard to ensure that families from all backgrounds are valued, and the children are given equal opportunities to succeed.
I love being able to call the office and have the receptionist/office manager answer my questions, know where my child is, and convey a message if necessary - the children are not allowed their cell phones switched on whilst at school, which is another big plus for us!
We are glad we made the commitment to send our children to Springbank; they have made solid friendships, enjoy a range of sports and outdoor opportunities, and continue to achieve very well academically in a nurturing and supportive environment.