Kia Ora, I'm Tiffany, a Year 8 Springbank student.
I've been attending Springbank School since I was 3 years old - so have progressed through the Preschool, Headstart, Junior School, and I am now in the Middle School.
I thoroughly enjoy the many diverse opportunities that Springbank provides me. My parents chose Springbank as they believe that it provides the best all round education that is possible to obtain in Northland. They believe that Springbank focuses on preparing me for the challenges and opportunities of a changing world. I particularly enjoy the business entrepreneurial aspects (create your own business), how they embrace innovation (our science experiments are next level), coupled with the array of sporting, art, drama, music, and cultural options (so much to choose from). The subjects I enjoy the most are Social Enterprise, music and arts.
I was involved in the 2021 school production, Dirk Smith - Secret Agent. It was great fun, and I certainly want to be part of the next play.
By attending Springbank I am given the greatest potential to be successful in life. I already look back at my years at Springbank with fondness and treasure the opportunities it has given me - they really do have a superb kaupapa that respects all students. It is a safe learning environment in which I am cherished to be the best I can be.
The well-rounded and balanced curriculum ensures that I learn abilities to problem solve, develop logic, and reasoning, analyse, and think critically and creatively. I love the 'house system' - I am in the Dolphins. This house system is fundamental to the Springbank pastoral support, inclusion, and sense of belonging that they provide. It has made school life super fun. Go the Dolphins!
I know that having a fun learning environment significantly contributes towards my learning growth (academic and social), and since the teachers are awesome, this makes for a fun time every school day. I also like that Springbank arranges for extra curricular activities, and I have experienced lessons in tennis, drums, and keyboard. I also do Judo, singing, dancing, and drama after school
My Future aspirations are to be Head Girl or Prefect at Springbank
Lastly, I have to let you know about the school camp - it is fantastic and challenging! We attend on the first Week of Term One - so get your skates on and enrol now, so you can enjoy the school camp fun! I will hopefully meet you there!