I have called several places home; Blenheim, Australia, Waikato, and now Taupo Bay. I first attended Springbank School in 2016 as a year five pupil. My house group is the Dolphins; our colour is Blue!
There are so many things I love about Springbank; it's hard to know where to start……I guess one of my favorites is that the school is relatively small so it has a real community feel about it. Everyone has such a kind nature, from our principal and teachers, through to everyone who attends Springbank. It’s a very fun, positive place to learn and grow.
Our School is set on 14ha of rural land. We have a beautiful track that runs through bush; all of a sudden Cross Country is pretty cool! I really like the fact that there is no school uniform, so you have the choice of your own clothes. Still following the overall dress code, it gives you a sense of pride and teaches you how to dress appropriately.
The subjects I enjoy are of course SPORT, Business Studies, and Maths. But actually all of them, as the teachers make learning fun and are always more than happy to help if you are struggling to understand. I have had so much support at Springbank, not only from the School as a whole but the individual teachers.
Springbank is famous for their School Market Day in September each year; I love this also. You create a product and a business. You can do it with friends or by yourself. You give 25% of your profit to a charity of your choice and you keep the remaining profit. It teaches all of us to earn and achieve but also to give back to the community.
In 2018 I created a business called Horsin Around. I made business cards and my Dad taught me how to weld and we collected horse shoes from wherever we could. I made Sculptures from these.
At the time I was too young to enter, but there was a spare table at the Young Enterprise Scheme, and Mrs Chapman asked if I would like to take my sculptures along and create a stall. After 4 hours I had sold $2300 of Sculptures! I couldn’t believe it. Six weeks later we had our Market Day at School. I sold another $2400 worth of Sculptures, all from an idea in class, and help and direction in how to make it happen. To date I have sold over $30,000 worth of Sculptures! The New Zealand Herald did a series on Teen Talent and picked six kids through out New Zealand. I was one of them. It was a whole page article in the herald.
The whole school takes part in Cross Country, even the teachers and parents. Everyone enjoys it because they get to see their favorite teacher compete alongside their parents, everyone dresses up in house colours and fun outfits, and we all push ourselves physically to do our best.
The teacher video that they do each year is hilarious. Cick on the link below [insert link to staff videos]
Apart from Springbank, my real passion is Motocross. I live, eat, and breathe it and Springbank have been so supportive. I have competed in 2 Motox Nationals, one in Foxton near Wellington and the other in Tauranga. I was aiming for top 12 in 2021 at Tauranga but ended up with bike issues and only completing 3 out of 6 races, I ended up 23rd in New Zealand. The 2022 nationals are in Invercargill which I am planning to compete in. This will be the biggest trip I have ever done for Motocross. It’s a long way from Taupo Bay to Invercargill, and I am going to make it a good one!
As I make my way through Springbank I could not imagine being anywhere else. I plan to finish my education here, and I will definitely be sad to leave at the end of Year 13. The school has given me so much that I will take with me forever; it has shaped me to who I am today.
Springbank School is ONE OF A KIND, it certainly is worth taking a look, I’m very lucky my Mum and Dad did, that's for sure.